Non-Relieving Pressure Reducing Regulator
Whereas a Relieving Pressure Reducing Regulator can bleed or vent pressure when the downstream pressure exceeds the setpoint, a Non-Relieving Pressure Reducing Regulator does not have any self-relieving functionality. A non-relieving regulator is typically used in steady flow applications. These applications rely on constant flow in order to eliminate the possibility that downstream pressure would exceed the regulator set point. It is important to note that when using a non relieving pressure regulator, some other sort of downstream pressure relief unit should be in place to protect the system, equipment, and life. Without a relief valve, especially in non-flowing or “dead-end” applications, it is possible for the downstream pressure to increase to supply pressure. A non-relieving regulator would also be more critical to have in hazardous applications, so that excess gases or air are not released into the atmosphere.